"[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] How is religious fundamentalism described in the text? { Observing the faith of the founding fathers Pluralistic Salvation-based =Maintenance of traditional beliefs Evangelical teaching }" "[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] What religion was practiced by the “Pilgrims”?They were separatists who had left the Church of England. { Quakerism Catholicism =Protestantism Baptist Atheism }" "[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] What was the religion of the early missionaries?Having been sent from Spain, Portugal and France { Puritan Protestant =Catholic Lutheran Baptist }" "[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] The “Great Awakening” of the 1730s was...It was all of these. { =Evangelical =Revivalist =Resistant to traditional values =Opposed to religion =Encouraging to conversions }" "[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] With what developments do you associate the 1830s? It was certainly not characterized by harmony! Quite the reverse according to the information in the text about the foundation of new sects and the divisions in older ones. { Religious harmony =The rise of new sects Protestant consolidation Roman Catholic Revival =Religious schism and conflict }" "[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] In the late 20th century religions became... But perhaps still suspicious of some other religions { More intolerant of one another Prone to divisions =Willing to coexist Prone to schism =Tolerant of one another }" "[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] What reasons are given for the growth of some eastern religions in recent times?As stated in the text; B, C and E may well be factors but they are not specifically mentioned. { =Search for spiritual growth Dissatisfaction with traditional religions Foreign travel =Search for personal growth Immigration }" "[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] What % of Americans regard themselves as Christians?It may seem high but that is what the Trends in Religious Affiliation Survey found; see text. { 0.15 0.26 0.38 0.49 =0.73 }" "[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] Which single denomination religion is the largest?The key is “single denomination"". Protestants are divided into many sects and schisms. { Judaism Islam =Roman Catholicism Church of Latter Day Saints Protestantism }" "[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] What is the approximate size of the atheist, agnostic and non-religious population in the US?From adding the figures in the 2010 Abstract referred to in the text { 10 million 24 million 26 million =34 million 45 million }" "[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] What % of Americans favor religious freedom?Brookings Instituion Poll September 2011 { 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 =0.8 }" "[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] How would you describe church-state relations in the US?Only B and E reflect the contemporary reality. { Very close =Virtually non-existent They depend on the individual state in which they are located The federal government provides size-related grants to the churches =Churches are totally self-supporting }" "[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] Which recent American initiatives violate the 1st Amendment? { Patriot Act =Faith-based social services =Federal funding of religious groups Acts permitting same-sex marriages =Supreme Court restrictions on religious pratices opposed to the public interest }" "[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] What % of Americans are currently members of a church or synagogue?You might think E but actually C { 0.41 0.51 =0.61 0.71 0.81 }"