"[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] “Multiculturalism” implies... { A melting pot A core culture A culture for Native Americans Cultural pluralism =No priority for any cultural group }" "[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] Where was the first permanent English settlement formed?Know your English kings. Some locations are in Canada, not the US. { =Jamestown Kingston Queenston Charlottetown Williamsburg }" "[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] After whom was Maryland named?A & D are the same person! The state was founded as a haven for Catholics. { Mary Queen of Scots Mary Shakespeare Queen Mary Mary Stuart =The Virgin Mary }" "[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] Which religious group did William Penn belong to?You just have to know! { Puritans =Quakers Catholics Jews Baptists }" "[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] Which factor most motivated people to settle in the US between 1820 and 1920?The texts suggests B but some of the other factors probably applied too. { Search for gold =Land availability Employment prospects Religious persecution at home The US climate }" "[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] Who led the campaign which ended in the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882?It was depressed wages and the fear of unemployment that motivated the labor organisations; see text. { The US Senate The president =Labor organizations Religious organizations The railroad builders }" "[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] The Naturalization Act of 1790 only allowed which category to become American citizens?Information in the text { British immigrants Protestants Immigrants from Canada =Whites Christians }" "[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] During which period did the US introduce a series of racist immigration laws?Don’t think the middle answer will always be the correct one! Information in the text { 0.021875 1900-14 0.0222222222222222 0.022337962962963 =1945-50 }" "[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] What was the total number of immigrants between 1961 and 2010?Information in text { =34.5 million 39 million 45 million 48 million 54 million }" "[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] How many authorized immigrants entered the US in 2012?Just add up the figures shown in the text. { 500000 748000 953000 =1.35 million 2.35 million }" "[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] From which country do most illegal immigrants to the US come from?Yes, it’s an easy walk! Information in the text { Indonesia =Mexico Cuba Canada Venezuela }" "[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] Which of the following practices are used to regulate entry to the US?Rendition is not mentioned in the text. { =Biometric identity checks =Calling in immigrants for questioning =Intensified surveillance of foreign-born persons Deportation of terorrist suspects =Rendition }" "[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] Which group mobilized oppostion to a House bill aimed at criminalizing illegal entry?Refer to the text. { Asians Blacks Liberal whites Democrats =Latinos }" "[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] An immigrant differs from a founder…Refer to the text for the distinctions. { Because he has a right to enter the US Because he has no automatic right of entry =Because the founder arrived before any immigrants Because the founder has a green card Because the founder has purchased land }"