"[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] What factors encouraged an increase in agricultural production during the 19th century?Only the development of the transport infrastructure is referred to as a factor in the text. { =Railways =Roads =Canals Fertilizers Cheap immigrant labour }" "[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] Which historical period is mainly associated with rapid industrialization?After the Civil War had been won by the industrializing Northern states { 1865-85 =1865-1914 1914-18 1940-50 1945-50 }" "[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] How would you describe early economic activity in the US?Controls were few and wages usually very low. { Tightly controlled =Unregulated High wage economy Highly restricted =Profit driven }" "[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] Roughly when was the notion of an 8-hour day introduced?Under President Theodore Roosevelt { Late 1880 =Early 1900s Mid 1920s Late 1930s Early 1950s }" "[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] Which American president is generally considered to have been the first to intervene massively in the running of the economy?With the New Deal in the 1930s { Theodore Roosevelt William Taft Woodrow Wilson Herbert Hoover =Franklin D. Roosevelt }" "[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] In which state was the 1944 Bretton Woods Conference held?Information in the text { Florida Texas New York New Hampshire =California }" "[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] What was this conference concerned with? { Job creation Winding down the US war economy The division of Europe after the war =Monetary management How to re-deploy the armed forces }" "[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] What is Adam Smith most associated with? The other issues did not arise until much later in American society. { =Free enterprise economies Nationalization Regional development Unemployment State intervention in the economy }" "[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] How did the US government react to the institutional financial failures of 2008? None of the other alternatives is remotely feasible. { It nationalized the US banking system It encouraged failing institutions to petition for bankruptcy It sought international loans =It mounted a huge rescue operation It closed the Stock Exchanges immediately }" "[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] Which group has the highest % of people living below the poverty line?Information in the text { Asians =African Americans Latinos Whites Native Americans }" "[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] What % of tax would a median income family pay in the US?Information in the text { 0.15 0.2 =0.25 0.3 0.35 }" "[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] How would you describe the US balance of trade with other countries?None of the other answers would be historically accurate. { In permanent surplus Usually in surplus Never in surplus In deficit since 1920 = In deficit since 1980 }" "[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] How does the Federal Reserve Bank try to promote economic growth?Information in the text { =By cutting interest rates By increasing interest rates By issuing more dollars By distributing funds to other banks By lending more money to the US Treasury }" "[MULTIPLE-MSELECT] In which year did the US unemployment rate rise to a high of 9.9%?Information from Table 10.3 { 2002 2005 2007 =2009 2012 }"