"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] The top country in terms of marketing research expenditures is
the United Kingdom
= the United States
"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] This kind of information is collected firsthand to answer specific, current research questions
= primary data
secondary data
selective data
relevant data
"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] One problem of primary data is
being up to date
= cost
"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] Information that has already been collected for other purposes is called
primary data
principal data
= secondary data
"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] This is not a characteristic of a good test market
self-contained media
= expanded trading area
market isolation
"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] Winnipeg (Canad is a good test market because of its
self-contained media
self-contained trading area
= all of the above
"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] When a measuring instrument is able to measure what it purports to, the instrument is
= valid
"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] This type of equivalence is concerned with whether a particular concept is interpreted and understood in the same manner by people in various cultures
= conceptual equivalence
functional equivalence
classification equivalence
definitional equivalence
"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] Dating (between the sexes) is an activity which most non-American people may not understand, the measurement of the concept is complicated by the lack of this kind of equivalence
= conceptual
"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] A bicycle is a recreation device in some countries and a basic transportation device in others This research problem is known as
= functional equivalence
definitional equivalence
classification equivalence
instrument equivalence
"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] These are tests constructed to study a phenomenon within one culture only
= emic
"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] When consumers being studied are relatively homogeneous, a measurement scale should have
fewer points
= more points
limited points
"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] This translation technique uses several individuals to independently translate a question and compares their translated statements
back translation
= parallel blind
committee approach
random probe
"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] This translation technique views both the source version and the target version as open to modification
back translation
= decentering
committee approach
random probe
"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] The results of American consumers' responses may not apply to foreign consumers This is a problem of
internal validity
specific validity
= external validity
predictive validity
"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] This step of MIS development involves the investigation of all users' needs
= system analysis
system design
system implementation
system investigation
"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] The desirable characteristics of an international marketing information system do not include
= time dependence
location independence
linguistic compatibility
legal compatibility