"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] A study of consumer behavior should emphasize this particular perspective. { cultural psychological social =all of the above }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] The unit of analysis of this discipline is the group. { psychology social psychology =sociology group }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] The unit of analysis of this discipline is the individual. { =psychology social psychology sociology group }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] The price motive is an example of a(n) { =rational motive emotional motive subjective motive prestige motive }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] Which one of the following is not a psychological concept? { motivation learning =social class personality }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] Which one of the following is a psychological concept? { =personality social class family opinion leadership }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] This is not a characteristic of attitude. { reaction being favorable/unfavorable = transient learned enduring }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] This concept describes how a society treats unequal people. { =power distance collectivism uncertainty avoidance masculinity/femininity }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] Collectivist countries show _____ power distances. { = large moderate small equal }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] Hoftede's national cultures do not include this dimension. { power distance uncertainty avoidance individualism-collectivism temporal orientation =all of them are included }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] This country is low in power distance, masculinity, and uncertainty avoidance. { =Canada Greece Mexico Taiwan }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] This country is low in individualism but high in power distance, masculinity, and uncertainty avoidance. { the United Kingdom the United States =Japan Australia }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] Country of origin is a _____ construct. { one-dimensional = multidimensional single-cue varying-cue }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] The effect of country of origin is strongest when it is { =the only cue used with a few cues used with many cues }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] Which of the following can weaken the effect of "country of origin" on perceived product quality? { country of product design brand name retailer name = all of the above }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] Attitudes are { neutral innate transient = enduring }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] These people put less emphasis on social hierarchy. { Asians Latin Americans =Americans Europeans }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] These people are probably least group oriented. { Japanese Hispanic African = American }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] This kind of family is common in the United States. { =nuclear consanguine extended horizontal }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] These people are relatively weak in terms of family orientation. { Japanese Hispanic Chinese = American }"