zero sum game
=positive sum game
negative sum game
all of the above
"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] A country should export a product that it can produce at a lower cost than other nations can. This is the principle of:
=absolute advantage
comparative advantage
relative advantage
factor endowment
"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] According to the principle of absolute advantage, a country should [ ] a commodity that can be produced at a lower cost than can other nations?
=export import
both export and import
neither export nor import
"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] According to the principle of absolute advantage, a country should import a commodity that can be only produced at a [ ] cost than can other nations.
cost is irrelevant
"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] The principle of relative advantage states that a country should produce a product with the [ ] comparative advantage.
somewhat higher
"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] According to the principle of relative advantage, a country should export a product for which it has the least:
absolute advantage
absolute disadvantage
comparative advantage
=comparative disadvantage
"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] According to the principle of comparative advantage, a country with the absolute disadvantages in all products should specialize in the product that it has:
absolute advantage
more comparative advantage
less comparative advantage
=least comparative disadvantage
greatest comparative disadvantage
"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] On any certain day, the United States can produce 20 items of product A and 30 items of product B, while Australia produces 10 of A and 20 of B. Which product should Australia specialize in?
none of the above
A and B equally
"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] A country should export a product that it can produce at a lower cost than other nations can. This is the principle of:
=absolute advantage
comparative advantage
relative advantage
factor endowment
"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] Comparative advantage is:
"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] The theory of factor endowment considers this factor of production.
=all of them are considered
"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] This production factor is not China's comparative advantage.
"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] The Resource Curse Hypothesis states that, when compared to their resource-scarce counterparts, resource-abundant economies:
=grow less rapidly
grow more rapidly
grow at the same rate
"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] The Human Development Index does not include this type of achievement in its measure of a country's well-being.
educational attainment
=income equality
living standards
"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] The evidence that the United States exports labor-intensive goods and imports capital-intensive goods is known as:
principle of absolute advantage
principle of relative advantage
=Leontief Paradox
factor endowment
"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] Trade theories assume that trade is:
"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] Classical trade theories assume:
=consumer homogeneity across national markets
product heterogeneity
existence of trade restrictions
importance of marketing activities
"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] Since worldwide free trade is impossible, it is desirable to have economic cooperation on a smaller scale. This is known as:
theory of the best policy
factor endowment theory
=theory of the second best
theory of relative advantage
"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] This kind of economic cooperation requires countries to remove duties among themselves but allows member countries to maintain their own tariffs against outsiders.
customs union
=free trade area
common market
political union
"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] NAFTA represents this type of economic cooperation.
=free trade area
customs union
common market
monetary union
"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] This kind of economic cooperation requires countries to have identical tariffs against outsiders.
=customs union
free trade area
common market
political union
"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] This kind of economic cooperation makes it necessary for a foreign firm to enter a member country with the least nontariff restrictions.
free trade area
customs union
=common market
monetary union
"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] When countries agree to remove restrictions on the movement of factors of production, their economic cooperation is known as:
customs union
free trade area
=common market
political union
"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] This is not a characteristic of monetary union.
total and irreversible convertibility of currencies
complete freedom of capital movements
=revocably fixed exchange rates
"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] This type of economic cooperation requires convertible currencies, freedom of capital movements, and irrevocably fixed exchange rates.
free trade area
customs union
common market
=monetary union
"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] Monetary union requires convertibility of currencies to be:
total but reversible
=total and irreversible
partial and reversible
partial and irreversible
"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] An economic union requires:
uniform tariff rates among member countries
uniform tariffs against outsiders
removal of restrictions on movement of factors of production
=harmonization of the national economic policies
"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] If a single currency is not possible, a monetary union must adopt these currency conditions, except:
complete freedom of capital movements
total and irreversible convertibility of currencies
=irrevocably fixed exchange rtes with some fluctuation
"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] This is not a characteristic of a monetary union.
=partial freedom of capital movements
total and irreversible convertibility of currencies
irrevocably fixed exchange rates with no fluctuation
"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] “One money, one market” is the description of this type of economic cooperation.
free trade area
common market
=economic union
political union
"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] Many members of the European Union members have adopted a single currency (i.e, the euro) in order to form this kind of economic cooperation.
free trade area
customs union
common market
=economic union
"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] Malaya and Singapore formed a new nation called Malaysia in the 1960s. This type of cooperation is
common market
monetary union
economic union
=political union
customs union