"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] The stages of new product development do not include { business analysis product development test marketing = global positioning commercialization }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] The most important reason behind the utilization of market segmentation is { = market heterogeneity positioning test marketing product life cycle }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] In the case of horizontal homogeneity, consumers are { homogeneous within the same country = homogeneous across countries homogeneous within and across countries }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] Wool coats are not needed in a tropical area because of this product factor { = relative advantage compatibility observation complexity }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] This product characteristic explains why carpet or vacuum cleaners are not needed in countries which people like to sweep and mop the floor daily { relative advantage = compatibility observation complexity }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] This product characteristic is negatively related to product adoption { observation divisibility trialability = price }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] According to the international product life cycle theory, a country that developed an innovation will eventually become { = a net importer a net exporter an absolute exporter a relative producer a monopolist }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] Innovations are most likely to be first introduced in { least developed countries less developed countries growing economies = highly developed countries }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] The innovating firm's sales and export volumes are kept stable in this stage of IPLC { overseas innovation = maturity worldwide imitation reversal }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] Product standardization and comparative disadvantage are the characteristics of this stage of the international product life cycle theory { overseas innovation maturity = worldwide imitation reversal }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] This product is least likely to conform to the phenomenon described in IPLC { typewriters semiconductors = dishwashing machines leather goods }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] This is the reason why US marketers assume that products designed for Americans are superior and should be preferred by foreign consumers as well { = big-car syndrome left-hand-drive syndrome imperial system geocentricity }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] This kind of product is most likely to require adaptation for overseas markets { musical recordings films = automobiles watches }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] The most important factor which makes product modification mandatory is { = country's regulations electrical current standards measurement standards product standards }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] Almost all countries, except the United States, use this measurement system { British imperial = metric English }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] Which of the following describes the reluctance of the United States to adopt the metric system? { big-car syndrome left-hand-drive syndrome = imperial syndrome inferiority complex }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] US television sets cannot be sold in other countries because of { historical preference measurement standards = product systems local use conditions }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] This sector accounts for most of the US employment { agriculture/farming manufacturing = service high technology }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] The world's largest exporter of services is { = the United States Canada Belgium Japan }"