"[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] According to the textbook, international marketing is “the multinational process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives.” The definition fails to recognize: { nonprofit marketing =business-to-business marketing consumer marketing integration of the 4 Ps }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] According to the textbook, international marketing is “the multinational process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives.” The definition fails to recognize: { product place promotion pricing =all of the 4 Ps are recognized }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] The marketing mix (the 4 Ps of marketing) does not include: { product place =practicality promotion }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] The study of international marketing should focus primarily on: { product place promotion pricing =all of the above }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] To U.S. students, French marketing is: { domestic marketing =foreign marketing comparative marketing international marketing }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] This kind of international marketing study contrasts two or more marketing systems to identify similarities and differences. { domestic marketing foreign marketing =comparative marketing extensive marketing }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] For practical purposes, the difference between the concept of international marketing and the concept of multinational marketing is: { significant =insignificant meaningful adequate }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] Marketing is not needed in: { socialist countries communist countries less developed countries developed countries =marketing is needed in all countries }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] The Transnationality Index, developed by United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, does not include this ratio in its composite. { foreign assets/total assets foreign sales/total sales foreign employment/total employment =foreign taxes/total taxes }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] MNCs are often associated with: { exploitation ruthlessness power bigness =all of the above }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] This country is the world's largest exporter. { USA =Germany China Japan }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] Midsize German companies' contribution to Germany's export success is: { =significant minor uneven unpredictable }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] This definition of MNC focuses on the number of countries in which the firm does business and the citizenship of corporate owners and top management. { =structure performance behavior }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] This definition of MNC depends on the contribution of foreign operations in terms of earnings, sales, and assets. { structure =performance behavior }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] A strong orientation toward the home country is an indication of: { =ethnocentricity polycentricity geocentricity }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] This is the feeling within a culture that its values are superior to those of foreign cultures. { =ethnocentricity polycentricity geocentricity }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] When a firm uses the same marketing strategies abroad as that used at home, it probably is: { =ethnocentric polycentric geocentric unicentric }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] When a U.S. firm leaves local managers of its foreign subsidiary alone by assuming that the foreign market is difficult for outsiders to understand, this is a reflection of: { ethnocentricity =polycentricity geocentricity }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] Decentralization is likely in the case of: { ethnocentricity =polycentricity geocentricity }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] This kind of orientation often results in duplication of effort among overseas subsidiaries. { ethnocentricity =polycentricity geocentricity }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] When companies believe that, even though countries may differ, the differences can be understood and managed, such firms are: { ethnocentric polycentric U.S.-centric =geocentric }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] These firms allocate corporate resources without regard to national frontiers and do not hesitate making direct investment abroad. { ethnocentric firms polycentric firms =geocentric firms }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] Halliburton Co. has moved its headquarters from the United States to Dubai so as to be in a better position to negotiate and win large contracts in the oil-rich Middle East. This kind of thinking is: { ethnocentric polycentric =geocentric }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] Rupert Murdoch gave up his Australian citizenship and became a U.S. citizen so that his News Corp. could own TV stations in the United States, which is a big media market. This kind of behavior is: { ethnocentric polycentric =geocentric }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] This kind of company does not identify itself with a particular country and may even prefer to lose its national identity. { ethnocentric polycentric =geocentric }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] Firms that combine aspects of centralization and decentralization are: { ethnocentric polycentric =geocentric }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] This theory states describes a business organization that, from the outset, seeks significant competitive advantage from the sales of outputs in multiple countries. { polycentricity =born global comparative advantage affiliation }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] It is expected that, by the year 2042, the world's two largest economies will not include: { =USA China India }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] Because of trade (and imports), inflation: { increases decreases =moderates disappears }" "[MULTIPLE-SSELECT] As a result of international trade and global interdependence, countries' inflation rates tend to: { increase =moderate be unpredictable be unstable }"