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Welcome to the companion website for the fourth edition of the best-selling Emarketing Excellence: planning and optimizing your digital marketing by Dave Chaffey and PR Smith.
Here you will find all you need to accompany the book and to develop your knowledge and understanding of this exciting and popular subject area.

  • PR Smith has also exclusively filmed his own videos, providing his insights specifically for this website.
  • There is a wealth of videos and extras to further convey good emarketing practices and examples.
  • All the tables and figures from the book are available in PowerPoint slides, and further examples are available in the image gallery.
  • The questbank for lecturers and flashcards for students allow for testing on the subject.
  • The links to blogs and websites will offer inspiration and  examples  of good emarketing at work.

Chaffey and Smith are digital marketing gurus, and their background and passion for the subject mean that these extra resources will ensure success in this flourishing, evolving and influential subject area.

What's New in Emarketing Excellence



Click on the tabs below to view the flashcards for each chapter.

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10


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Useful Websites

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Useful Websites

In this section you will find an abundance of websites and blogs that Chaffey and Smith have highlighted as must-reads to help any marketer with their digital marketing. All the websites are hyperlinked and broken down by relevance from must-read blogs and forums to articles, case studies and best practices to e-marketing tools and site design to statistics, data, reports and research.

Click on the tabs below to view the links for each topic.

Articles, Case studies and Best Practice

ClickZ:  www.clickz.com

Articles and statistics on a wide range of e-marketing tactics.


Detailed insights and events about e-marketing best practice.

Marketing Sherpa:  www.marketingsherpa.com

Case studies and news about e-marketing.

New Media Age: www.nma.co.uk   

A UK digital marketing trade weekly.

New Media Knowledge: www.nmk.co.uk

Articles and events about new media developments.

Revolution magazine: www.revolutionmagazine.com

Keep up to date on e-marketing best practice for the range of new media with the UK trade monthly for digital marketing.

Introduction to the Marketing Mix: http://businesscasestudies.co.uk/business-theory/marketing/marketing-mix-price-place-promotion-product.html

The Times 100 – a student and teacher business studies resource centre that has a basic introduction to the marketing mix and case studies of it in practice.

Smart Insights Marketing Mix Advice: http://bit.ly/smartmix

A collection of articles applying the marketing mix to e-commerce, content and social media marketing. 

Personality Not Included: http://www.personalitynotincluded.com

Site supporting the book by Rohit Bhargava showing examples of how brands are transforming their personality to support social media engagement.

A List Apart:  www.alistapart.com

Explores the design, development, and meaning of web content, with a special  focus on web standards and best practices.

Boxes and Arrows:  www.boxesandarrows.com

A collection of best practice articles and discussions about Information Architecture.

iMedia Connection: www.imediaconnection.com

State-of-the-art articles and guidance on interactive advertising techniques.

Bizrate: www.bizrate.com

An example of an online shopping comparison site.

Email Marketing Best Practice: www.smartinsights.com/email-marketing

Advice on best practice.

Database Marketing Institute: www.dbmarketing.com

Great practical guidelines and presentations on traditional database marketing and online marketing using email and web personalization.

Email Marketing Best Practice: www.smartinsights.com/email-marketing

Advice on best practice.

DMA Email Blog: www.dmaemailblog.com

UK advice from the email marketing association.

Email Experience Council: www.emailexperience.org

A US organization with compilations of practical tips on email marketing.

Peppers and Rogers One to One Marketing: www.1to1.com

Contains interesting articles, case studies and supplier guides.

E-Loyalty: www.e-loyalty.com

An introduction to achieving online loyalty by Ellen Reid-Smith.

MyCustomer.com: www.mycustomer.com

Portal focusing on traditional and online CRM.

Marketing Experiments: www.marketingexperiments.com

Gives examples and explains best practice for optimizing digital marketing.

Harvard Business Review: www.hbr.org

Harvard Business Review strategy advice.

Smart Insights: http://bit.ly/smartstrategy

Articles about the need for and methods of e-planning.

McKinsey Quarterly: www.mckinseyquarterly.com

Business strategy.

New Media Age: www.nma.co.uk

A UK digital marketing trade weekly which has interviews with practitioners discussing their strategic approach to digital marketing.

The Next Web: www.thenextweb.com

Digital technology developments.

CIM 10 Minute Guide to the Marketing Mix: http://www.cim.co.uk/filestore/resources/10minguides/marketingmix.pdf

A fairly detailed introduction to the marketing mix, with further links.

New Media Age Awards: www.nmaawards.co.uk

Has awards in innovation across different business sectors.

Emarketing Tools

Doubleclick Adplanner: www.google.com/adplanner

Use this to find sites related to your sites, competitor sites and relevant media sites. Review the most popular sites within different interest categories.

AM Navigator: www.amnavigator.com/blog

Advice on managing affiliate programmes from Geno Prussakov.

Smart Insights Online Revenue Model Spreadsheets: www.smartinsights.com

Excel spreadsheets for modelling visitors’ volumes and campaign response.

Google Webmaster Tools: www.google.com/webmasters

Provides a useful set of tools for sites verified by their owners, including index inclusion, linking and ranking for different phrases in different locations.

Search Engine Watch: www.searchenginewatch.com

This is the premier source for keeping up to date on the significance of different search  engines and  the  techniques they use.

Email Marketing Tools: http://bit.ly/smartesps

A compilation of tools for managing email broadcast and deliverability.

Digital Marketing Sources: http://bit.ly/smartsources

The leading sources of digital marketing sources and a custom search engine to search them compiled by Dave Chaffey on Smart Insights.

Dave Chaffey Digital Marketing Strategy: www.davechaffey.com/guides

A summary of strategy and tools available for the full range of digital marketing channels.

Must-read blogs and Forums

PR Smith’s blog: www.prsmith.org 

Insights on the development of SOSTAC® plus videos from the marketing experts.

Dave Chaffey’s blog: http://blog.davechaffey.com/

Smart Insights: www.smartinsights.com

Updates on digital marketing methods on site edited by Dave Chaffey.

Chris Anderson’s Long Tail blog:  www.thelongtail.com 

In-depth blog by the author of the long tail, which relates to the Product element of the marketing mix.

PaidContent:  www.paidcontent.org

Discusses the  economics and  revenue models for online publishing.

Connected Marketing: www.connectedmarketing.com

Edited by Justin Kirby.Blog and community supporting the book about approaches to viral marketing and achieving advocacy online.

Hitwise blog:  http://www.experian.com/blogs/hitwise/ 

Sample reports from Hitwise on consumer search behaviour and the importance of different online intermediaries.

Net Promoter Score Blog: http://netpromoter.typepad.com/fred_reichheld/

Blog on achieving advocacy by Fred Reicheld and other specialists in the field, such as Dr Paul Marsden.

Rough Type:  www.roughtype.com 

Nicholas Carr’s blog on how technology is disrupting business models. Carr was formerly Editor of the Harvard Business Review.

Wikinomics.com: www.wikinomics.com

The blog for the Wikinomics book by Don Tapscott and Anthony Williams.

Chris Brogan: www.chrisbrogan.com

Foremost commentator on the development of social media marketing and its application in business

Dan Zarella:  www.danzarella.com  

Dan summarizes experiments on what engages audiences through the main social networks. 

Brian Solis: www.briansolis.com

A foremost commentator on the development of social media marketing and its application in business.

Digital Buzz Blog:  www.digitalbuzzblog.com

Daily inspiration with examples of social media campaigns on this video blog.

Viral and Buzz Marketing Network:  www.vbma.net

A European-oriented community of academics and professionals for discussion of the applications of connected marketing.

Word-of-Mouth Marketing Association: www.womma.org

A US-oriented community of word-of-mouth marketing specialists.

Sitepoint: www.sitepoint.com

Online publisher with a range of blog articles in all web design categories.

Zeldman.com:  www.zeldman.com

The blog of web standards advocate Jeffrey Zeldman.

A4UForum: www.a4uforum.co.uk

Used by affiliates to discuss approaches and compare programmes.

Search Engine  Land: www.searchengineland.com

Blog by Danny Sullivan, the leading commentator on the search engine industry, containing updates on all major, and many minor, developments.

O’Reilly Radar : http://radar.oreilly.com

Commentary on the development of Web 2.0  technologies from publishers O’Reilly, whose founder Tim O’Reilly coined the term Web 2.0.

CustomerThink:  www.customerthink.com

Forum, plus blog advice.

JimNovo.com:  www.jimnovo.com

A specialist on online CRM, Jim’s site has many practical insights about analysing and following up according to online purchase behaviour, including the excellent ‘Drilling Down’ guide.

Net Promoter Score Blog : http://netpromoter.typepad.com/fred_reichheld

Blog on achieving advocacy by Fred Reicheld and other specialists in achieving advocacy, such as Dr Paul Marsden.

Optimize and Prophesize: www.optimizeandprophesize.com

A blog focusing on practical optimization approaches for paid search and landing pages.

Avinash Kaushik’s: www.kaushik.net

As Digital Marketing evangelist at Google, Avinash is an expert in web analytics, and his popular blog shows how web analytics should be used to control and improve return on e-marketing investments.

Convince and Convert: www.convinceandconvert.com

Analysis of social media marketing concepts by US commentator Jay Baer.

Site Design

Disability and Discrimination Act: www.disability.gov.uk/dda

Code of practice including reference to websites. 

Jakob Nielsen’s UseIt: www.useit.com

Despite the antiquated design, the detailed guidelines (alertboxes) and summaries of research into the usability of web media are still referenced widely.

User Interface Engineering: www.uie.com

Articles on usability that often provide a counterpoint to those of Nielsen.

Royal National Institute for the Blind:  www.rnib.org.uk/accessibility

Web accessibility guidelines.

Step Two: www.steptwo.com.au

This design company has introductory outlines and more detailed articles on information architecture and other aspects of usability.

Usability Net: www.usabilitynet.org

A portal about usability with good links to other sites, and an introduction to usability terms and concepts.

Usability News:  www.usabilitynews.com

A compilation of articles from different sources, plus jobs and events.

Webby Awards:  www.webbyawards.com

The Oscars for the web – international.

Web Standards Project (WASP):  www.webstandards.org

A consortium that promotes web standards.

Worldwide Web Consortium: www.w3.org/WAI

Web accessibility guidelines .

Statistics, Data, Reports and Research

E-marketer: www.emarketer.com  

A compilation of research reports showing trends in Internet adoption and usage.

International Telecommunications Union (ITU):  www.itu.int/ti/industryoverview/index.html

Choose internet indicators. This presents data on Internet and  PC penetration in over 200 countries.

Net Imperative: www.netimperative.co.uk

Updates and reports on the UK new media landscape.

Emarketer: www.emarketer.com

Digital market research studies and reports.

Forrester: www.forrester.com

Digital and technology market research studies and reports (free content on blog).

Social Media Governance: http://socialmediagovernance.com

We recommend this database of social media governance policies, where you can learn from approaches defined by others.

Mashable: www.mashable.com

Site focusing on developments and statistics related to social networks.

The Interactive Media in Retail:  www.imrg.org

Trade body for e-retailers reporting on growth and practice within UK and European e-commerce.

Ofcom: http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk

The Office of Communication has an annual Communications Market report on the adoption of digital media including telecommunications and the Internet (including broadband adoption), digital television and wireless services.

Eurostat: http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu 

European Commission Eurostat.

Market Research Society: www.mrs.org.uk

Research News: www.research-live.com

UK Market Information: www.statistics.gov.uk

Internet Advertising Bureau: US: www.iab.net UK: www.iabuk.net

The widest range of studies about Internet advertising effectiveness.

European Commission Information Society Statistics: http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/digital-agenda/index_en.html

Reports evaluating e-business activity and consumer adoption across the European Union.

Econsultancy:  www.econsultancy.com  

Research, best practice reports and supplier directory for online marketing.

University-Sponsored Research Projects on e-Business and e-Commerce:

Centre for Digital Business @ MIT http://ebusiness.mit.edu

Created by MIT Sloan School of Management.Contains summaries of over 50 research projects.

IAB (Internet Advertising Bureau UK): www.iabuk.net

Statistics to support investment decisions on digital vs traditional advertising.
