Study guide
- Why, when, and where did Greeks establish colonies in the central Mediterranean? What was the relationship between these cities and those that founded them?
- Describe the city plan of Poseidonia (Paestum). How did the plan change from Greek to Roman times?
- To what degree did the tyrants who ruled Syracuse promote themselves through art and architecture?
- Who were the Etruscans? Aim to have basic knowledge of their civilization: origins, language, customs, and history.
- To what degree does the layout of Marzabotto exemplify Etruscan city planning?
- What are the key features of the typical Etruscan temple, such as the Portonaccio Temple at Veii?
- What features characterize Etruscan tombs and their decoration? Support your answer with specific examples.
Useful websites
- Excavations at Poggio Civitate, Murlo (Italy), an Etruscan site: http://poggiocivitate.classics.umass.edu
Figure 19.3
Plans, Archaic and Classical temples from Paestum: Temple of Hera I, Temple of Athena, and Temple of Hera II.
Figure 19.13
Terracotta Sarcophagus of a Married Couple, from Caere (Cerveteri). Museo Nazionale di Villa Giulia, Rome.
Figure 19.14
Terracotta Funerary Urn, from Volterra. Deceased man (lid); battle with Gauls (front). Worcester (Massachusetts) Art Museum.