
Student Resources

Video Links Chapter 14

Keith Hart—Anthropology and Globalisation


Part 1 of a lecture: “Keith Hart Lecture on Globalisation. Anthropology Department, Goldsmiths college, University of London. March 2005.”


Anthropology Cultural Change


A silent Powerpoint-type presentation that introduces many concepts like economic development, neocolonialism, modernization theory, and “globesity.”


Global Economics – Economic Development: A Global Challenge


A film by Journeyman Pictures: “This episode examines the dynamics of economic development. What makes it happen and why do so many countries lag so far behind?”


Globalization: The Haves and Have Nots


A clip from a 40-minute video by Journeyman Pictures: “The city is besieged by 40,000 labour, environmental and human rights activists, claiming the WTO puts too much emphasis on 'free' rather than 'fair' trade. Not since the Industrial Revolution has the workplace been so dramatically restructured. Globalization has been a triumph for the corporate giants and for e-commerce. But the explosion of international trade has also meant jeopardising jobs, forcing out local industries and an ever greater impact on the natural world. The scale of the Seattle protests took the world by surprise and was proof for many that it's time to re-examine the global economic machine.”


The Hidden Face of Globalization


Part 1 of 2: “In the global economy, corporations demand enforceable laws—intellectual property and copyright laws—backed up by sanctions to protect their products. However, when we ask these same companies, ‘Can’t we also protect the rights of the 16-year-old who made the product?,’ the companies respond: ‘No. That would be an impediment to free trade!’ Young garment workers in Bangladesh share their experiences working for companies like Disney and Wal-Mart.”


People & Power: Sapphire Fever


An episode in a series of programs on cultural and economic challenges facing the world’s local peoples: “An investigation into the hunt for sapphires in Ilakaka, southern Madagascar.”


Other episodes include:

“The Big Deluge” (a dam in India)

Gobi Forage Project: Herder Alliances


“The GOBI FORAGE project was initiated in 2004 to adapt Livestock Early Warning System (LEWS) technologies developed by the GL-CRSP in east Africa for Mongolia to improve risk management by herders and other stakeholders in the Gobi Region of Mongolia. Herder alliances were developed in collaboration with Mercy Corps Mongolia, based on the US herder alliance model, to enhance pastoral organization, marketing power and efficiency, and livelihoods.”


Theories – Development – Unit 5.3


A visual presentation set to rock music that explores many of the concepts and theories of development.


Immanuel Wallerstein – Unit of Analysis


“Wallerstein’s unit of analysis is of course the modern world-system—as one of many historical world-systems. And as a historical system which has of course temporary boundaries the main questions to ask about it are: how did it begin, how did/does it function, and how does it end; the answers to these questions imply of course a high degree of historicity, as there are no general answers for all world-systems.”


Neoliberalism: The Contemporary Form of Globalization


“What is neo-liberalism? Neo-liberalism is a term used to describe a range of policies and an economic philosophy that stresses international free trade, economic liberalism ( more commonly referred to as capitalism) and the promotion of such through deregulation of the economy, privatization of industry, liberalization of markets, financialization of national economies and corporatization of the remaining public sector.”


Microfinance—Does it Really Work?


“Governments from Brazil to Bosnia have launched massive microfinance programs, and commercial banks like ABN AMRO, HSBC and Citicorp are rushing down-market, which could increase access to credit for the poor. Some 500 million poor worldwide have reportedly benefited from $6 billion in micro-loans, which supporters want to ramp up to $300 billion. But its critics say there is no solid evidence that microfinance makes a difference, either in developing the economy or reducing poverty.”


Grameen Story


One woman’s story of escaping poverty by taking small loans from the Grameen Bank in Bangladesh. Included in the full-length film “Small Fortunes.”