Chapter 13 Higher cortical function testing

Video 97 Groping

The patient reaches out and grasps the hands which are offered to him (even though he has been asked not to) and is unable to let go. He also grasps with his feet.

Video 98 Fronto-temporal dementia and marked grasp and snout reflexes, as well as foot stereotypies

Video 99 Mouth grasp

This patient flexes her head and opens her mouth to an approaching finger even when asked not to.

Video 100 Forced visual following (visual grasping)

The patient follows the light with her eyes, even though it circles uncomfortably. She is unable to suppress the behaviour.

Video 101 Utilization behaviour

The patient stacks three pairs of spectacles on his nose, one at a time, as each is offered to him.

Video 102 Forced mimicry

When the examiner raises his hand with two fingers extended, the patient incorporates the posture into his own gestures. He also imitates left arm raising, both arm raising, right fist clenching and left leg raising, while continuing the conversation.

Video 103 Apraxia in Parkinson’s disease

This patient is unable to copy accurately the akinesia test for Parkinsonism, flexing the interphalangeal joints, as well as the metacarpophalangeal joints.

Video 104 Luria test

The patient is not able to follow the sequence of fist, cut and slap.

Video 105 Miming in apraxia

The patient is able to obey a simple sequence of pointing commands (showing that her comprehension is reasonable), but is unable to mime cutting a loaf.

Video 106 Rapidly progressive cognitive decline, apraxia, ataxia, myoclonus and spasticity secondary to Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease