memory traces distinct or different from other memory traces stored in long-term memory.
the finding that a to-be-remembered item distinctively different from other list items is especially likely to be remembered.
the notion that long-term memory will be greatest when processing at the time of retrieval is very similar to processing at the time of learning.
numerous methods or systems used by learners to enhance their long-term memory for information.
a memory technique in which to-be-remembered items are associated with locations well-known to the learner.
a technique for improving memory in which a story is generated that includes all the to-be-remembered words or other items in the correct order.
used to store relevant information rapidly in long-term memory and to access it through retrieval structures in working memory.
the finding that long-term memory is enhanced when some of the learning period is devoted to retrieving the to-be-remembered information rather than restudying.
long-term memory for learning material is superior when it is distributed over time rather than massed.
knowledge and beliefs about one’s own memory and about one’s ability to regulate its functioning.
action plans designed to achieve some goal (e.g., writing an essay) based on specific information concerning where, when, and how the goal will be achieved.
A video explaining the method of loci memory technique
Memory hack: Derren Brown teaches the method of loci | Big Think - YouTube
More memory and mnemonic devices
Mnemonics: Memory Tricks (Examples) - YouTube
Video of a peg system memory activity
Improve your memory, Peg System - YouTube
Locke’s goal setting theory: Understanding SMART goal setting
Locke's Goal-Setting Theory - Goal Setting Training From
The British Psychological Society: Careers, education, and training advice
Career options in psychology | BPS
Baddeley, A., Eysenck, M.W., & Anderson, M. C. (2020). Memory. Chapter 16 in this introductory textbook contains full coverage of the main techniques that can be used to improve your memory
Memory - 3rd Edition - Alan Baddeley - Michael W. Eysenck - Michael (
Hunt, R.R., & Worthen, J.B. (2010). Mnemonology: Mnemonics for the 21st century. Reed Hunt and James Worthen identifythe underlying cognitive processes responsible for numerous successfulmnemonic techniques.
Mnemonology | Taylor & Francis Group (
How to Study Psychology by Warren Davies; A useful and practical guide.
How to Study Psychology - 1st Edition - Warren Davies - Routledge