memory across the lifespan for specific events involving the individual (especially those of personal significance).
the finding that most individuals perceive themselves as having superior abilities and personality traits to the average person.
a type of self-concept in which the self is characterised by personal responsibility and achievement.
a type of self-concept in which the self is defined to a large extent by one’s relationships with others.
a mental disorder in which the patient has two or more separate personalities or identities that alternate in controlling behaviour; there is also amnesia or forgetting of autobiographical information.
the part of the self-concept concerned with an individual’s feelings (positive and negative) about himself/herself.
the cultural beliefs and values that influence thinking and behaviour and can be determined by the immediate social context.
Video showing the mirror self-recognition test
More detail on the assessment of self-concept
Assessment of Self-Concept. ERIC Digest. (
An overview of self-concept theory for counsellors
An Overview of Self-Concept Theory for Counselors. Highlights: An ERIC/CAPS Digest. (
An episode of the BBC Radio 4 “Mind Changers” programme on Henri Tajfel’s life and work
BBC Radio 4 - Mind Changers, Henri Tajfel's Minimal Groups
An article about the research of Balcetis and Dunning: Why we’re better at predicting other people’s behaviour than our own
BPS Research Digest: Why we're better at predicting other people's behaviour than our own (
The National Association for Self-Esteem
A useful discussion of the true self
There is no such thing as the true self, but it’s still a useful psychological concept – Research Digest (
BPS research digest article: Why we think we’re better than the rest – it’s not all vanity
BPS Research Digest: Why we think we're better than the rest - it's not all vanity (
A BPS research digest article: Baghdad teenagers show heightened sense of self in the face of war
BPS Research Digest: Baghdad teenagers show heightened sense of self in the face of war (
Why do people use Facebook?
Why Do People Use Facebook? According to Psychology - PsychTronics