producing inaccurate socially desirable answers on questionnaires.
a sham lie detector used to elicit honest answers when individuals complete personality questionnaires.
aspects or dimensions of personality that exhibit individual differences and are moderately stable over time; they have direct and indirect influences on behaviour.
the assumption that dictionaries contain words that refer to all of the most important personality traits
The beliefs about being able to perform a task (or range of tasks) to achieve certain goals.
the notion that individuals learn to reward and punish themselves internally to regulate their own behaviour and achieve desired outcomes.
Great ideas in personality: Scientific research programs in personality psychology
Great Ideas in Personality--Theory and Research (
Take a personality test
Personality test based on C. Jung and I. Briggs Myers type theory (
A biography of Hans Eysenck
Hans Eysenck - Biography, Books and Theories (
More on introversion/extraversion
The Psychology of Introversion: Eysenck’s Theory of Arousal – Psych2Go
Online EPI test
Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI) Online Test + Interpretation - Psychology Test (
A lecture from Hans Eysenck on the biological basis of personality
Classic: Eysenck: Biological Basis of Personality 1980 - YouTube
Take the Big Five personality test for fun
The Big Five Project - Personality Test (
A useful summary of the Big 5 personality traits
Big 5 Personality Traits | Psychology Today
Albert Bandura talking about social cognitive theory
Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory: An Introduction (Davidson Films, Inc.) - YouTube
A biography of Albert Bandura
Albert Bandura (