
List of figures


  1. Introduction: religion and the management of violence
    1. A note on the term “RV”
    2. Premises and definitions: religion and the management of violence
    3. Toward a typology of the violence in RV
    4. The goals, structure, and contents of this book
  1. Maximalism, minimalism, and a way forward
    1. Overview
    2. RV maximalism
    3. RV minimalism
    4. A way forward
  1. Karl Marx, Marxists, and Marxians: religion, oppression, and revolution
    1. Overview
    2. Marx on religion
    3. Marxists and Marxians on RV
    4. Conclusion
  1. Émile Durkheim: religion as social grouping and social grappling
    1. Overview
    2. Durkheim’s sociogenic theory of religion: social grouping
    3. Durkheim and RV: social grappling
    4. Applying Durkheim to RV
    5. Conclusion
  1. Victor Turner: liminal states, social stability, and social upheaval
    1. Overview
    2. Turner on “liminality” and “communitas”
    3. Liminality, communitas, and RV
    4. Conclusion
  1. Max Weber on asceticism: breaking the world to save it
    1. Overview
    2. Introducing Weber’s thought
    3. Weber on asceticism and mysticism
    4. The split of asceticism
    5. Religious asceticism and violence: clarification and application
    6. Conclusion
  1. Modernization, secularization, and their discontents
    1. Overview
    2. Patterns of modernization and secularization
    3. Rationalization and secularization
    4. Secularization and its discontents: implications for RV
    5. Resistance to modernization and secularization: case studies of RV
    6. Conclusion
  1. Churchsectcult: social formation and patterns of violence
    1. Overview
    2. The church-sect continuum
    3. The church
    4. The sect
    5. Outside the continuum? The cult
    6. Conclusion
  1. Some building blocks of religion and violence
    1. Overview
    2. Building blocks
    3. Conclusion
  1. The special case of Islam?
    1. Overview
    2. Alarmism, apologetics, and a way forward
    3. How Islam may shape violence
    4. Conclusion

Appendix: toward a typology of violence in RV
Further specification of types of violence
